Maybe you are someone who has visited a considerable amount of escorts lately and thinks you finally got your girl, or you are someone who wants to start with one and stay with her faithfully until she stops escort services. Whatever the issue, we have you covered on both sides.
Becoming a frequent client of a luxury escort is not difficult but it has its pitfalls as escorts can deny your services anytime they want for various reasons, so if you want to become one of their favorites and let you ask for her whenever you want plus maybe give you benefits for being faithful, you must meet certain particular characteristics.
The first thing you should always have when you refer to one of these girls is respect, they are very elegant but charismatic women who definitely touch any heart, but they are also women with strong character who know how to have limits. They accept all types of clients as long as they are treated with the respect they deserve, they go out of their way to treat all their clients like kings, so they want to be treated like kings.
You don’t have to go out of your way to please them like you would on a date, but you do have to at least put a little effort into treating them well, whether it’s just looking at them and smiling at them or simply speaking to them with respect and not denigrating or verbally abusing them. Many of these girls are capable of canceling a service if they are not treated as they should be.
You should make sure that above all, you keep the appointments you made with the escort. This will avoid many problems in the future, since these women have very tight agendas and get very upset if they do not comply with what was agreed. If you know that you will not be able to attend the date for a considerable time, let them know in advance to make another reservation at another time, it can be the same day, but that everything is already planned because you do not know if the girl has another service or other matters to attend.
They take their work very seriously, and expect you as a client to take it seriously and try not to waste their time in unnecessary ways, when everything is solved by being clear from the beginning.
Maybe Gifts
Maybe a small gift? A small detail? It is not mandatory but as long as you can afford it a detail will always take women by surprise and they will thank you for it, to generate that feeling of connection and exclusivity you can always choose to tell the escort that they want it to be used only when you are with her. This way you can have something that will make her think of you when she wears it or sees it on her dressing table.
Women like detail-oriented men, always remember this detail when thinking about making a woman like you. If you want to be much more specific with the gift and make sure she likes it, go on a date with her first and pay attention to the things she wears, and give her something based on that, or if you go out with her to a store the things she sees are also a good option.
Everything else is improvisation, as long as the escort and you get along and like each other there won’t be much more to do than ask her over and over again until you create a bond between client and escort.
These girls really get into their roles, so you won’t regret trying to get the escort to remember you and be frequent with you in terms of services. Add to that the fact that you will have someone to accompany you to everything you want and you won’t feel alone anymore. So, what are you waiting for? Ask for that Theory Love Escort service that you were already thinking about having.
Everything is just a click away, are you really going to miss it?