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Dirty and non-offensive words to use during sex with an escort

One of the things that almost no one takes into account is that escorts, like any other human being, are constantly in unpleasant situations with clients who insist on calling them in ways they are not very comfortable with. But still, they provide their services no matter what to avoid making the client uncomfortable so that they can have a pleasurable experience, both of which allow them to have a good reputation among other girls. But if optional, many girls actually prefer to have offensive words omitted that many times they don’t even know they are.

London Escort, two young beautiful girls wearing a black bikini and a blue one-piece bikini with white geometrical shapes printed on it, posing for the camera in front of a yellow wall.

Therefore, in this article today we are going to guide you on what are the most offensive words you can say to an Escort and that will probably make the girl not want to accept a service again if you use it too often, even within the sexual sphere.

This is clearly optional, girls won’t form a fuss unless the word escalates to other things, but if you want both of you to be comfortable, the best way is to do some research on what they are comfortable with.


You have to understand that in the context where escorts develop daily there are often confusions too uncomfortable between their professions, being labeled contemptuously as whores, while they offer an escort service with option to the sexual area in a professional way. Almost a VIP service, so, this word and its constant use does not tend to be much to their liking for obvious reasons.

If you are a person who is not too afraid to ask about how the escort feels about certain things, you can always ask how she feels about this particular word as it tends to be a common fetish in bed. As well as “slut” “bitch” etc. And we are sure they will be totally honest with you about how they feel.


Although not everyone likes it, some people do and this is totally acceptable. We consider this one of the safest options to go for in case you want to use little names during the sexual process. Bitch, little bitch, etc., are acceptable although you can always confirm with the escort how she feels about it.

Usually these nicknames tend to be used during the process of BDSM practices and are among the most basic, so more than one escort will be used to hearing them over and over again.

Little Girl

Also a great choice if you like BDSM and being the dominant, it gives the girl a small position and an intention to follow orders without directly messing with anything offensive.


You should NEVER say this word to an escort, even within the sexual sphere, because it tends to be extremely offensive since we are back to the debate at the beginning: You are assimilating with a lower quality service and not even close to the level they have when offering you their escort services. The best thing you can do is save these types of words for someone who is actually a prostitute.


And she should be! Usually these women tend to opt for these nicknames for their male clients as well since it is quite neutral and can be used to formulate many sentences that can carry on the talk through sex.

In particular, escorts just like to be respected for their profession. Otherwise, the vast majority are quite open to any kind of nickname or need you have, taboo does not exist in their world as long as it does not offend them directly. By understanding this, all the experiences you have with escorts you will enjoy much more than you would usually enjoy any particular sexual encounter.