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Girls of the Week

Escorts for special dates, what holidays to find them on

One of the things that stands out the most when hiring escorts is that their schedules tend to be quite open considering the dates when not all men are willing to work. This makes their services much more sought after. Escorts are not affected mostly by special dates, you can find them 365 days a year, of course, less frequently as many tend to book their services in advance, but you can find them as long as you are cautious.

In today’s article we will mention which are the usual days where you think you won’t find escorts, but you will, and which are the days when you should be writing down their numbers so you don’t run out of their services, since they tend to be highly priced and even if they are working, they may not be available for the hours you are looking for. 

Sexy girl with blonde curly hair wearing blue jeans and a black cropped top while posing for the camera in front of a white wall.

Above all, remember that a quality agency will always have escorts available for the most difficult dates, clearly not all of them will be available but most of them will be working willing to give you a little bit of momentary enjoyment so that you can forget your sorrows and your stress. 


We understand that not all men are totally comfortable with the idea of spending Christmas with their family, either because of particular problems with their family members or because they don’t have one to spend the holiday with, which through capitalism and propaganda tend to expose as something negative, since being alone at Christmas means that you have failed as a person who should have strong emotional ties. In any case, we have you covered on that side. At Theory Love Escort there are escort services at Christmas, and at times when girls should still be sharing with their families. This is not very important to them, other than the fact that they want you to feel comfortable and accompanied, especially during these dates that are so important to you.

New Year’s Eve

The new year is a date of restoration and emotional possibilities, usually we look to be with people who make the environment feel comfortable and who are willing to receive this vibe of change and development that is breathed throughout the day. Again, it is that kind of dates where not many people want to spend it alone and where you seek to have a company that offers emotional stability, and often also physical, because it is a day where couples tend to make the known “Reset Dust”, so that there is no lack of sexual intercourse throughout the year. 

In case you like to comply with this tradition, the best thing you can do is to hire an escort to satisfy you sexually and emotionally, besides giving you that good start of the year that everyone wants to have with a unique sexual experience or a talk with an exceptional woman. 

Valentine’s Day

Sometimes you can feel like a loser for not having someone to end Valentine’s Day with, since there is a tendency to believe that if you don’t have a partner on the date where lovers are celebrated, you won’t have a partner all year long. Besides, it is also depressing to walk through the streets full of lovebirds while you are alone.

Finally, we do not know if it is a comfort or not but we remind you that you are not the only one who is having a lonely time on these dates, so you should try that if you are going to hire one of these girls for a specific date and time, do it in advance so you do not run out of anything at the beginning or end of the day. That said, we hope you can have a great holiday season with the best of company.