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Healthy practices for anal sex

The anus is one of the parts of the body that has had more negative convictions attached to it and has been repudiated over time, to the point of considering that sexual relations through it should be considered blasphemy, and perhaps precisely because of these forbidden dyes, today people have so many fantasies about anal games and sex in question.

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Knowing that it is a recurring dream in men’s minds, escorts have adapted to learn how to enjoy it without prejudice and in comfort, and although the world of sex professionals has expanded considerably, nowadays a good anal with an anal London escort session can be extremely expensive.

However, if this does not represent a problem for you, in this article we will address a series of aspects and fundamental recommendations so that you can have anal intercourse without future repercussions or health problems, since this is a rather delicate area of the body that puts the person receiving and performing this type of penetration at risk.

As you can imagine, having sex through the anus is something quite ironic since this part of the body specializes particularly in taking things out, not putting them in, and they are really body waste that the body should not contain. But despite all this, no one denies that after enough practice, anal penetration and orgasms can be exceedingly pleasurable.

Taking into account everything mentioned so far, we consider that it is fundamental that the people involved recognize the importance of contraceptive methods as an indispensable tool for this type of relations to proceed.

As a client it is important that you keep in mind that the girl you are paying for is not offering anal sex only to you, and as an escort, that this client is a stranger and you really do not know what kind of health complications she may have, so the presence of a condom is something indispensable and mandatory.

Now, addressing other aspects, it is essential the correct performance of the anal rectum to make sure that in the cavity to be penetrated there will be no remains of organic waste typical of this part of the body, which, even with a condom in hand, can be really unpleasant and could completely ruin the moment.

One of the most efficient ways to clean the anus is through enemas, which, besides guaranteeing deep hygiene, will provide other benefits at a sanitary level, so it is actually a practice that should be used regularly if you provide this kind of services.

However, you are probably wondering, what exactly is an enema? This is understood as a method to clean the anus which consists of introducing water into it so that our body has an easier time to evacuate all the waste that could not be expelled in normal organic activities.

The use of a rubber bulb filled with hot water is essential. This should be introduced into the anus once it has been lubricated, and then pour the liquid into the cavity to facilitate the aforementioned evacuation. After this process, wait a couple of hours before having sexual intercourse to allow the anus to restore the mucous membrane that protects the walls of the anus.

In addition to all this, having anal intercourse is a process that requires relaxation and time, it is necessary to ensure that the area is as relaxed as possible through massage and caresses in order to eliminate the tension of the sphincters and allow greater elasticity in the cavity.

As you will notice, there are a great variety of factors that will intervene in this type of relationship and that will guarantee that it is satisfactory. For this reason, we invite you to contact the specialized A level London escorts of our agency, Theory Love Escort, which has enough experience to allow everything to go as smoothly as possible to fulfill your fantasy.