Reciprocity in relationships with escorts is an extremely important aspect, because if we make sure we give them the same pleasure during the service, they will end up giving us a better performance during sex and will be happy to give us more pleasure, making this one of the most incredible erotic experiences of our lives.
However, if you still don’t know how to correctly stimulate the erogenous zones or even know what we mean when we talk about them, we invite you to read on and learn how to give pleasure not only to the service providers, but also to all the women with whom you are intimate.
What are erogenous zones?
Erogenous zones are not specific to one gender, they are present in both men and women, as they are considered parts of the body where there are a lot of nerve endings, which can generate sexual pleasure when stimulated through caresses, rubbing, licking, among others.
Currently we will address a list of the erogenous zones of the female body so you can learn how to generate even more pleasure to the girls you are with, however, we warn you that this is a process of exploration and discovery since not all bodies are the same and some may not feel comfortable with certain areas, such as the feet.
The mind, the main sexual organ
The mind, the main control center of the body, is the one in charge of determining what kind of contact or treatment can be pleasurable on a sexual level and which ones are not, for this reason, the stimulation of the erogenous zones and the preliminaries are extremely important to create a mind-body connection that allows our partner to get involved more easily in the moment and feel sufficiently excited.
The most known female erogenous zones
Mouth and lips
The lips have a great symbolic value during intimacy and sex, around them revolves an innumerable amount of sexual practices and are synonymous with closeness and eroticism. It has been scientifically proven that the action of kissing tends to release what we know as “the hormone of happiness”, that is, serotonin, and helps to awaken a great sexual desire in practically everyone.
Neck and nape of neck
The nape of the neck is the most sensitive area of the neck and one of the weak points of any woman. Its stimulation can result in great amounts of pleasure, becoming a fundamental part in all sexual relations.
From this fact derive some practices such as strangulation or moderate asphyxiation of the person, however, for this you must have the respective consent and the certainty that you are not generating real harm to the escort, so it must be discussed beforehand.
Breasts and nipples
There are studies that affirm that stimulating the nipples activates the same brain regions as massaging the clitoris, and it is no wonder since, in general, all breasts tend to be extremely sensitive.
There are women who claim to be able to reach orgasm through the stimulation of this area of the body, but it is important to touch with moderation and care because in the same way it could generate pain.
The inner thighs
The thighs, being close to areas such as the buttocks, the entrance of the vagina and the clitoris are also prone to be remarkably sensitive areas in the female body, therefore, its stimulation in the preliminaries can ignite the morbidity of our partner and quickly escalate the situation.
In addition to all those mentioned so far, there are other much more obvious areas in the genital area, such as the vagina in question, the clitoris, the G-spot, the buttocks and the anus. Each and every one of these are erogenous zones that will generate great pleasure to our London escort, but it is important to maintain constant communication since, as you can imagine, not all women enjoy the stimulation of their anus.
Now that you know this, you will be able to leave a better impression among the luxury escorts at Theory Love Escort.