People, thanks to a series of events that have marked the contemporary age, have become much more liberal in a series of aspects of daily life that have marked a before and after in society itself.
Nowadays, due to the Internet, we can talk about subjects that we could not talk about before and express ourselves regarding a series of situations in completely new and free ways, being one of these many, the sexual life of each individual.
Before, we had intimacies that, besides being subjected to monotony, taboos, prejudices and negative social convictions, were restrictive and repetitive so as not to tarnish our personal image and damage the perception that other people, and even our own partner, could have of us.
However, this is no longer the case. Today we have a level of expression that would cause envy in earlier times, which has brought with it a new degree of innovation with respect to sexuality and the possibility of exploring new tastes and pleasures that we could not before.
Due to all of the above, people have become much closer to accessories such as sex toys, which have become a crucial piece in the bed of people so that they can self-pleasure and achieve pleasures that before could hardly be achieved on their own.
Therefore, below we will tell you about the most popular erotic toys and how to use them so that you can decide which ones suit you best.
Toys for men
This industry has massified to such a degree that there are toys for every specific need and particular preference for both genders.
In the case of men, it is common to use rings that fit around the penis for different purposes, either to receive additional stimulation, delay ejaculation, or maintain a firmer erection for longer by blocking the blood.
This in itself is already positive, however, they have been evolving little by little until reaching their current state, in which they can emit vibrations in different rhythms and forces that can give an extra stimulation to both the penis and the clitoris of the woman during sexual intercourse.
On the other hand, men can count on artificial vaginas known commercially as fleshlights. A type of toy that seeks to simulate the inside of a woman, and can vary in shapes, colors, textures and can even be ordered completely customized so that we can have a unique experience according to our own tastes, which seeks to simulate common sexual relations.
In addition to this, men can also make use of vibrators, which by placing them on the glans and other erogenous zones, they can receive extra stimulation that will help them to have much stronger orgasms.
Toys for women
Toys for women are much more familiar and basic. On the one hand we have the basic dildos or dildos, which seek to simulate the penis of a man, and similarly compared to the fleshlights, can be ordered by orders completely customized for women to have unique experiences and full of pleasure.
On the other hand, they can also make use of vibrators. In women this is more normalized due to the stimulation of the clitoris, probably the most sensitive area of their body and an inexhaustible source of satisfaction.
How to use them on our dates with escorts?
If you have your own toys or you want to contact an escort who has these little extras, you need to learn how to combine them so that you can have sex in an unbeatable way.
Dildos, vibrators and rings, all of them can be used in bed, and it is essential that you know when to use them so that both you and the escort can reach new levels of pleasure.
If you are a new person, any experienced escort will be skilled enough to teach you how to use them properly. The implementation of vibrating rings is amazing for both of you to feel that little bit extra during penetration, or on the other hand, she could use a handheld vibrator, the options are endless.