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Pros and cons of casual sex

Nowadays, one of the advantages over previous times is that relationships are not so strict and have a higher level of flexibility that allows us to have occasional encounters with people with a single sexual interest behind the interaction.

This allows people to enjoy sexual diversity without submitting to a single formal partner, which is why today we call momentary sexual encounters “casual sex.”

Considering its popularization, in this article we will tell you about the advantages, disadvantages and the great role of escorts in this act.


Pros of casual sex

Casual sex is an encounter that takes place with the sole intention of making a physical connection without a formal relationship under which to justify our sexual desire. This can be carried out with friends, strangers and even sex workers, undoubtedly, the protagonists of the moment. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages.

Exploration and discovery

When we know that we will have sex only once with a person, we have an easier time expressing our fantasies and deepest desires, since that person will probably never hear from us again. This, therefore, allows you to discover a new side of your sexuality that you may have held back before.

Freedom and flexibility

It is true that going to other women when you are in a serious relationship is something anti-moral, so one of the most important characteristics of casual sex is that it allows you to maintain your freedom and flexibility when it comes to going to as many sexual partners as you want to have.

This also means fewer problems when it comes to managing encounters with London escorts, you won’t have to worry about another aspect of your image in the worst case scenario, and it will allow you to have a greater availability to vary between servants and enjoy a greater sexual diversity.

Focus on the present

Having a formal relationship involves taking into account many factors and also, making you emotionally responsible for one more person, which can become really annoying and overwhelming if you are someone with many obligations and responsibilities simultaneously. That’s why, having casual sex and counting on the services of Theory Love Escorts escorts to satiate your sexual appetite is a great advantage when you are someone busy. 

Cons of casual sex

However, it is also important to keep in mind certain aspects that may pose a problem.

Risk of mixing emotions

It is important to keep in mind that when you choose an escort it is because you like her, and if you are not aware of the fact that you are paying to be with her, you may end up mixing your emotions and believe that you will achieve something else with the girl apart from what you have paid for.

This is also often present in relationships with individuals where you end up confusing your feelings.

Lack of deep connection

If you are a person who needs a previous connection with others to be able to have sex, casual sex is definitely not for you as it lacks the bonding sources or the structuring of a noticeable previous trust.

They are momentary relationships, so you probably won’t even get to know the person in depth, which could end up leaving you feeling lonely and empty.

Stigma and social judgment

In spite of everything, nowadays having the services of an escort is still frowned upon by traditionalists who consider formal relationships to be extremely important, so you could end up damaging your image if you are not discreet enough.

Some final considerations

Regardless of the person you want to be with, you must keep in mind that when looking for casual relationships, you have to have a high degree of self-knowledge to know how to identify your feelings in time and not end up confusing some things with others.

In addition, you must communicate clearly at all times what you really want to avoid misunderstandings, as well as with London escorts, when discussing in detail what kind of services and practices you want to carry out.