One of the things why people most prefer to hire escorts is not only the excellent companionship service they offer throughout the date, but also the fact that they are excellent women in the sense of sex. They are experienced, studied girls who can really meet the expectations of people with special sexual needs who are really incredibly demanding.
So if you are thinking of hiring an escort, we can be 90% sure that you will really find everything you need, especially if you choose a quality agency that really meets the needs of its clients as Theory Love escort. Having said that, today we are going to describe some of the most common sexual fetishes that might be weird for some people, but that escorts can easily handle them.
This is one of the most basic ones, actually these women are trained to be able to cover any area of BDSM as long as you choose the girls that have this category specified in their service menu. The fact of asking for specific and very particular costumes should be discussed and agreed upon beforehand, as you will understand that you have to have time and agreements to fulfill it perfectly.
But in general, girls will comply with anything you send them to wear no matter how specific it is, you can send them to buy it before you meet her or you can directly buy it and ask her to wear it when you meet her, this is not really relevant, the important thing is that you specify the service before you meet her so she won’t be surprised.
Foot sucking
This is also quite common although it is not talked about much on a daily basis and may be a source of ridicule for some people, but really if you can carry out this fetish without problems, from putting some kind of topping and you suck the feet of the escorts to them sucking you.
Also particular positions as the most basic of degradation that can be, for example, that the escort steps on the face of the guy who asked for the service, or the opposite, the most important thing is that no matter the service, the important thing is that it is specified before being carried out with any of the escorts to offer you the indicated price and above all that the escort is really prepared for what she is going to do.
Urine Fetishes
Some men find it extremely attractive the fact that the girls urinate on them or they urinate on the girls, whatever the particular fetish that has many Theory Love Escort girls offer it with different types of levels, what you can do is that if one of the girls offers the service you have the possibility of having a urine fetish.
Food fetishes
This is much more common on a daily basis, and it is to put food on some part of the escort’s body, it can be from whipped cream to fruits or some kind of particular request. In bachelor parties usually the option is offered for the girl who is doing the escort service to put on food and act as a centerpiece where several people can grab and enjoy the show.
One of the things we recommend is that if you see that one of the girls does not have a particular request that you want, the best thing to do is to ask if she can present it, because there is a chance that seventy percent of the time the girl really is willing to offer the service. And if not, don’t get discouraged, keep asking, there will be girls who will be able to offer you the service you really want.