It is common that people, nowadays, are confused about the topic of escorts, since this is a trend that has recently become popular even though it is a profession that has been around for a very long time.
Escorts are women who offer their services either as escorts, time-limited romantic partners or sexual companions. They can fulfill any request you make of them as long as it is within their capabilities and morally correct for them.
Therefore, people sometimes feel intimidated about using their services because they don’t know exactly how to contact them or can’t imagine how to talk to them when they meet them in person.
However, it is important to highlight that one of the fundamental differences that characterize escorts before any other type of profession similar to this one, is that escorts have fundamental skills that allow them to perform comfortably in any social situation that involves them, so they will know the most appropriate way to meet a person or keep a conversation afloat.
Having mentioned all this, it is necessary to point out that one of the main reasons why escorts are most often hired are male sexual needs and desires. Clearly not all escorts are willing to offer this kind of service, but there are always some who will do it without major problems, either as part of their vocation or because they genuinely enjoy the diversity that this lifestyle allows them.
Therefore, we will now talk about everything you should know about foreplay and pre-sexuality when you are on a date with an escort.
Are foreplay necessary?
Whether you pay for it or not, foreplay is an essential part of sex. They not only allow both of you to warm up, but they are also the ideal way to break the ice and create the sexual tension necessary for both of you to feel comfortable before having a much more intimate and close encounter.
Escorts are women widely experienced in the sexual arts, so they offer and have at their disposal a wide variety of foreplay that will allow both of you to get deeper and deeper into this mood and to enliven your libido to open the way to pleasure.
What kind of foreplay could you do?
Actually, the possibilities are endless. As we told you, escort ladies have at their disposal a wide variety of foreplay that will suit the situation at hand.
However, it is important to note that there are a number of foreplay favorites among men. Luckily for many, these women are specialists in erogenous zones, so the vast majority offer erotic massages as a way to create sexual tension between the two, this being one of the favorite activities of many men who have this kind of service.
Within this category there are a great variety of massages, either indirect, mutual, only to them or if you prefer, just focus on receiving it yourself, it all depends on your request and the capabilities of the girl.
Another one of the most common foreplays are lap dances. Clearly, escort ladies have a great experience in performing them, which has been granted by their versatility to do everything necessary to please you.
In addition, another of the favorite activities of almost any man is oral sex or French. Whether it is natural or not, this is the favorite erotic art of many escorts to make any man warm up to her charms and skills, so there is no doubt that foreplay will not be an excuse in any encounter with a good escort.
And if you are looking for good escorts, we advise you to search our online agency, where you can find the most beautiful women in London ready to offer you pleasure like you have never experienced before.